Thursday, November 25, 2010

Welcome to Remedies for Heartburn.

As a long term sufferer, since I was an infant actually, I have always used a simple method to deal with my heartburn.

Many of you will have used the same remedy, Sodium BiCarbonate also known as carb soda or baking soda.  Mix with a glass of water and sip.

Taste is something to get accustomed to and varies depending on how much you have added to the water.  It often has a kind of metallic taste but can be quite strong.

I have got so used to it that I now quite like the taste.  This little home remedy has been used for many many years, my Mother taught me and she learned it from her Mother.

However, my Nurse daughter has been telling me off for years for doing this as she says there are potential health issues with chronic acid reflux or, as some doctors call it lpr reflux.  Something to do with the acid itself and the salts in the sodium bicarb.

I didn't want to use the stuff the medical profession suggests as I don't like the idea of effectively putting a cap on the top of my stomach which has to be replaced after every meal.

This just doesn't seem sensible to me same as staying away from foods and drinks I like just because it aggravates the reflux.  So I searched for a, to me, better solution.

Found one as well.

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